reducing "Crew-caused"
approach and landing

Pilot-in-charge Monitored Approach is an information resource for anyone concerned with air transport flight operations safety.

Its purpose is to make available information that could help reduce the occurrence of accidents and incidents in which flight crew fail to maintain proper control of the aircraft's flight path during descent, approach and landing, despite adequate instrument information being available. was set up in 2014, after the pilots of an operator who had been using PicMA procedures for many years were told by new managers to cease doing so. The management justified this by statements which the pilots believed were seriously incorrect, but were unable to find basic information on the rationale for the procedure. They me as the author of a paper on the subject, and following provision of this background information the status quo was maintained this operator.

However it was obvious that a substantial body of technical information was in danger of being lost or dispersed as individuals originally involved are no longer active in the airline industry. So this site was created to be a repository for relevant reference material.

At some future point the site's forum will be activated but discussion will be confined to aspects of flight crew coordination, crew resource management, human factors and standard operating procedures. It will not cover the merits or otherwise of specific aircraft design features. Active participation will be welcome, subject to "ground rules" set by me.

For information about my qualification to write on this topic, see this brief CV.   

Steve Last